Contact the Parish Office if you have any questions or wish for more information
Festivals These community events are celebrated twice a year, in October and April. This is an opportunity for the Parish Community to come together in fellowship, to enjoy and have fun as brothers and sisters of One community and also help raise funds for the church. Contact: Renee Semien
Bereavement Ministry This ministry is committed to assist families who are grieving a loss, by assisting in the set up & serving food following a Funeral Mass. Contact: Norma Uhls
Catholic Families Ministry Raising a family can be a tough job. Having a supportive group can make the difference in so many ways! This ministry was established for families with school-aged children and younger for just that purpose. We wish to teach our children about our shared faith and the beauty of our extended church family. On top of that, we make sure to provide opportunities for the parents' to grow in their faith and create lasting friendships along the way. Contact: Kat Guenther
Occasional Service Maintenance This is an occasional ministry that assists with electrical, plumbing, facilities and yard maintenance, as well as other general maintenance needs around the church premises.
Office Work This ministry assists with office related tasks such as typing, data entry, copies, filing, and other related task. Contact: Nohemí Medina
Translations This ministry assists to integrate the community by making information available on another language, either by oral or written form. Contact: Lorena Blaylock / Bob & Ludo DeChene / Nohemi Medina / Jesus & Ana Silva
Technology This ministry provides technological support to maintain and repair office equipment when necessary and if possible.