Daily Prayer Intentions During this week of prayer, Texans of all faiths and religious backgrounds are encouraged to pray about the issue of human trafficking in whatever manner they choose. In a spirit of solidarity and interfaith collaboration, GRACE members humbly offer these daily intentions for those Texans wishing to focus their prayers.
The first TOP event was a great success! Over 150 people attended with over 20% from out of the parish. Thanks to all the contributors, workers, musicians and especially those who came to partake of the great meal! Planning for next month's event is already in progress. Spread the word - flyers about the event will be available in the church office or can be emailed. Contact the office if you are interested in donating or helping - we will get back in touch with you quickly.
Nuestra Parroquia está planeando tener un Matrimonio Comunitario para el 11 de febrero de 2017. Si usted o alguien que conozca desea recibir la bendición y gracias del Sacramento de Matrimonio, están invitados a tomar parte de esta celebración. Durante el mes de agosto estaremos inscribiendo y dando información a todos los interesados. Por favor comuníquese con el Padre Jairo o con Nicolás y Dolores Morán.
Our kids at St. John’s are in need of Catechist for next year. The Diocese requires at least 2 catechists per class and so we prayerfully ask you to consider volunteering. We are looking for adults who have a willingness to share their faith with the youth of our parish. Contact the parish office for more information. / Los jóvenes de San Juan necesitan Catequistas para el año próximo. La Diócesis requiere por lo mensos 2 Catequistas para cada clase. Con súplicas y oraciones estamos pidiendo que se ofrezcan como voluntarios. Buscamos adultos que estén dispuestos a compartir su Fe con los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia. Contacte a la Oficina Parroquial para más informes.
We are urgently searching for adult volunteers who would like to help guide our youth in our rich Catholic Faith. Are you interested? Contact the Parish office for more details. / Nos urge encontrar voluntarios adultos para ayudar a guiar a nuestros jóvenes en las riquezas de nuestra Fe Católica. ¿Está interesado/a? Póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial para más detalles.
Tuesday, November 17 - potluck dinner and a movie! Join us at 7:00 in the Alexander Center (PAC) and treat your eyes (and your stomach) to some good Catholic entertainment! Rosary at 6:20 in the Chapel before dinner.